Historical Connections


A database can be opened with a read-only, historical connection when given a specific transaction or datetime. This can enable full-context application level conflict resolution, historical exploration and preparation for reverts, or even the use of a historical database revision as “production” while development continues on a “development” head.

A database can be opened historically at or before a given transaction serial or datetime. Here’s a simple example. It should work with any storage that supports loadBefore.

We’ll begin our example with a fairly standard set up. We

  • make a storage and a database;

  • open a normal connection;

  • modify the database through the connection;

  • commit a transaction, remembering the time in UTC;

  • modify the database again; and

  • commit a transaction.

    >>> import ZODB.MappingStorage
    >>> db = ZODB.MappingStorage.DB()
    >>> conn = db.open()
    >>> import persistent.mapping
    >>> conn.root()['first'] = persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping(count=0)
    >>> import transaction
    >>> transaction.commit()

We wait for some time to pass, record he time, and then make some other changes.

>>> import time
>>> time.sleep(.01)
>>> import datetime
>>> now = utcnow()
>>> time.sleep(.01)
>>> root = conn.root()
>>> root['second'] = persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping()
>>> root['first']['count'] += 1
>>> transaction.commit()

Now we will show a historical connection. We’ll open one using the now value we generated above, and then demonstrate that the state of the original connection, at the mutable head of the database, is different than the historical state.

>>> transaction1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> historical_conn = db.open(transaction_manager=transaction1, at=now)
>>> sorted(conn.root().keys())
['first', 'second']
>>> conn.root()['first']['count']
>>> sorted(historical_conn.root().keys())
>>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count']

Moreover, the historical connection cannot commit changes.

>>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count'] += 1
>>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count']
>>> transaction1.commit()
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> transaction1.abort()
>>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count']

(It is because of the mutable behavior outside of transactional semantics that we must have a separate connection, and associated object cache, per thread, even though the semantics should be readonly.)

As demonstrated, a timezone-naive datetime will be interpreted as UTC. You can also pass a timezone-aware datetime or a serial (transaction id). Here’s opening with a serial–the serial of the root at the time of the first commit.

>>> historical_serial = historical_conn.root()._p_serial
>>> historical_conn.close()
>>> historical_conn = db.open(transaction_manager=transaction1,
...                           at=historical_serial)
>>> sorted(historical_conn.root().keys())
>>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count']
>>> historical_conn.close()

We’ve shown the at argument. You can also ask to look before a datetime or serial. (It’s an error to pass both [1]) In this example, we’re looking at the database immediately prior to the most recent change to the root.

>>> serial = conn.root()._p_serial
>>> historical_conn = db.open(
...     transaction_manager=transaction1, before=serial)
>>> sorted(historical_conn.root().keys())
>>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count']

In fact, at arguments are translated into before values because the underlying mechanism is a storage’s loadBefore method. When you look at a connection’s before attribute, it is normalized into a before serial, no matter what you pass into db.open.

>>> print(conn.before)
>>> historical_conn.before == serial
>>> conn.close()


Like normal connections, the database lets you set how many total historical connections can be active without generating a warning, and how many objects should be kept in each historical connection’s object cache.

>>> db.getHistoricalPoolSize()
>>> db.setHistoricalPoolSize(4)
>>> db.getHistoricalPoolSize()
>>> db.getHistoricalCacheSize()
>>> db.setHistoricalCacheSize(2000)
>>> db.getHistoricalCacheSize()

In addition, you can specify the minimum number of seconds that an unused historical connection should be kept.

>>> db.getHistoricalTimeout()
>>> db.setHistoricalTimeout(400)
>>> db.getHistoricalTimeout()

All three of these values can be specified in a ZConfig file.

>>> import ZODB.config
>>> db2 = ZODB.config.databaseFromString('''
...     <zodb>
...       <mappingstorage/>
...       historical-pool-size 3
...       historical-cache-size 1500
...       historical-timeout 6m
...     </zodb>
... ''')
>>> db2.getHistoricalPoolSize()
>>> db2.getHistoricalCacheSize()
>>> db2.getHistoricalTimeout()

The pool lets us reuse connections. To see this, we’ll open some connections, close them, and then open them again:

>>> conns1 = [db2.open(before=serial) for i in range(4)]
>>> _ = [c.close() for c in conns1]
>>> conns2 = [db2.open(before=serial) for i in range(4)]

Now let’s look at what we got. The first connection in conns 2 is the last connection in conns1, because it was the last connection closed.

>>> conns2[0] is conns1[-1]

Also for the next two:

>>> (conns2[1] is conns1[-2]), (conns2[2] is conns1[-3])
(True, True)

But not for the last:

>>> conns2[3] is conns1[-4]

Because the pool size was set to 3.

Connections are also discarded if they haven’t been used in a while. To see this, let’s close two of the connections:

>>> conns2[0].close(); conns2[1].close()

We’l also set the historical timeout to be very low:

>>> db2.setHistoricalTimeout(.01)
>>> time.sleep(.1)
>>> conns2[2].close(); conns2[3].close()

Now, when we open 4 connections:

>>> conns1 = [db2.open(before=serial) for i in range(4)]

We’ll see that only the last 2 connections from conn2 are in the result:

>>> [c in conns1 for c in conns2]
[False, False, True, True]

If you change the historical cache size, that changes the size of the persistent cache on our connection.

>>> historical_conn._cache.cache_size
>>> db.setHistoricalCacheSize(1500)
>>> historical_conn._cache.cache_size


Invalidations are ignored for historical connections. This is another white box test.

>>> historical_conn = db.open(
...     transaction_manager=transaction1, at=serial)
>>> conn = db.open()
>>> sorted(conn.root().keys())
['first', 'second']
>>> conn.root()['first']['count']
>>> sorted(historical_conn.root().keys())
['first', 'second']
>>> historical_conn.root()['first']['count']
>>> conn.root()['first']['count'] += 1
>>> conn.root()['third'] = persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping()
>>> transaction.commit()
>>> historical_conn.close()

Note that if you try to open an historical connection to a time in the future, you will get an error.

>>> historical_conn = db.open(
...     at=utcnow()+datetime.timedelta(1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: cannot open an historical connection in the future.


First, if you use datetimes to get a historical connection, be aware that the conversion from datetime to transaction id has some pitfalls. Generally, the transaction ids in the database are only as time-accurate as the system clock was when the transaction id was created. Moreover, leap seconds are handled somewhat naively in the ZODB (largely because they are handled naively in Unix/ POSIX time) so any minute that contains a leap second may contain serials that are a bit off. This is not generally a problem for the ZODB, because serials are guaranteed to increase, but it does highlight the fact that serials are not guaranteed to be accurately connected to time. Generally, they are about as reliable as time.time.

Second, historical connections currently introduce potentially wide variance in memory requirements for the applications. Since you can open up many connections to different serials, and each gets their own pool, you may collect quite a few connections. For now, at least, if you use this feature you need to be particularly careful of your memory usage. Get rid of pools when you know you can, and reuse the exact same values for at or before when possible. If historical connections are used for conflict resolution, these connections will probably be temporary–not saved in a pool–so that the extra memory usage would also be brief and unlikely to overlap.