ZODB Utilities Module

The ZODB.utils module provides a number of helpful, somewhat random :), utility functions.

>>> import ZODB.utils

This document documents a few of them. Over time, it may document more.

64-bit integers and strings

ZODB uses 64-bit transaction ids that are typically represented as strings, but are sometimes manipulated as integers. Object ids are strings too and it is common to use 64-bit strings that are just packed integers.

Functions p64 and u64 pack and unpack integers as strings:

>>> ZODB.utils.p64(250347764455111456)
b'\x03yi\xf7"\xa8\xfb '
>>> print(ZODB.utils.u64(b'\x03yi\xf7"\xa8\xfb '))

The constant z64 has zero packed as a 64-bit string:

>>> ZODB.utils.z64

Transaction id generation

Storages assign transaction ids as transactions are committed. These are based on UTC time, but must be strictly increasing. The newTid function makes this pretty easy.

To see this work (in a predictable way), we’ll first hack time.time:

>>> import time
>>> old_time = time.time
>>> time_value = 1224825068.12
>>> faux_time = lambda: time_value
>>> if isinstance(time,type):
...    time.time = staticmethod(faux_time) # Jython
... else:
...     time.time = faux_time

Now, if we ask for a new time stamp, we’ll get one based on our faux time:

>>> tid = ZODB.utils.newTid(None)
>>> tid

newTid requires an old tid as an argument. The old tid may be None, if we don’t have a previous transaction id.

This time is based on the current time, which we can see by converting it to a time stamp.

>>> import ZODB.TimeStamp
>>> print(ZODB.TimeStamp.TimeStamp(tid))
2008-10-24 05:11:08.120000

To assure that we get a new tid that is later than the old, we can pass an existing tid. Let’s pass the tid we just got.

>>> tid2 = ZODB.utils.newTid(tid)
>>> ZODB.utils.u64(tid), ZODB.utils.u64(tid2)
(250347764454864008, 250347764454864009)

Here, since we called it at the same time, we got a time stamp that was only slightly larger than the previos one. Of course, at a later time, the time stamp we get will be based on the time:

>>> time_value = 1224825069.12
>>> tid = ZODB.utils.newTid(tid2)
>>> print(ZODB.TimeStamp.TimeStamp(tid))
2008-10-24 05:11:09.120000
>>> time.time = old_time

Locking support

Storages are required to be thread safe. The locking descriptor helps automate that. It arranges for a lock to be acquired when a function is called and released when a function exits. To demonstrate this, we’ll create a “lock” type that simply prints when it is called:

>>> class Lock:
...     def acquire(self):
...         print('acquire')
...     def release(self):
...         print('release')
...     def __enter__(self):
...         return self.acquire()
...     def __exit__(self, *ignored):
...         return self.release()

Now we’ll demonstrate the descriptor:

>>> class C:
...     _lock = Lock()
...     _lock_acquire = _lock.acquire
...     _lock_release = _lock.release
...     @ZODB.utils.locked
...     def meth(self, *args, **kw):
...         print('meth %r %r' %(args, kw))

The descriptor expects the instance it wraps to have a ‘_lock attribute.

>>> C().meth(1, 2, a=3)
meth (1, 2) {'a': 3}


Often, we want to supply method preconditions. The locking descriptor supports optional method preconditions [1].

>>> class C:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self._lock = Lock()
...         self._opened = True
...         self._transaction = None
...     def opened(self):
...         """The object is open
...         """
...         print('checking if open')
...         return self._opened
...     def not_in_transaction(self):
...         """The object is not in a transaction
...         """
...         print('checking if in a transaction')
...         return self._transaction is None
...     @ZODB.utils.locked(opened, not_in_transaction)
...     def meth(self, *args, **kw):
...         print('meth %r %r' % (args, kw))
>>> c = C()
>>> c.meth(1, 2, a=3)
checking if open
checking if in a transaction
meth (1, 2) {'a': 3}
>>> c._transaction = 1
>>> c.meth(1, 2, a=3) 
Traceback (most recent call last):
('Failed precondition: ', 'The object is not in a transaction')
>>> c._opened = False
>>> c.meth(1, 2, a=3) 
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: ('Failed precondition: ', 'The object is open')